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His rise to prominence (1st half)

It's a hopeless situation, Ezeikwo thought as he lay on his multipurpose bed. It was so comfortable that he couldn't sleep. This was the second night he hadn't slept well and he feared for his blood pressure. Three or four nights ago, he had lain on the floor with his wife's wrapper, and it felt comfortable. Anyway, that was how they had slept. He on the floor with one of her wrappers, she on the bed which was also the  door to their one room apartment while their only child on their only mat. That was how it had been every night but few days ago, events took a turn. His wife had left with all her wrappers and their child while he was away. The hardship had been dark on her that it blinded all the love she had felt for him in the past. So this night, as he lay awake on the more comfortable bed than his usual floor, he still couldn't sleep. How did things get so bad? Was he cursed or what? He was a failed man who couldn't keep his family together. He co